Dioxins affect young soles more

Nature & environment
Baby fishes are more affected than adult fishes by water polluted with PCBs and dioxins. So says Edwin Foekema from the marine institute IMARES after…

Battle of the Leeuwarden universities

Nature & environment
A fierce battle raged at Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden on 30…

Symbiosis with bacteria and fungi similar

Nature & environment
Nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants presumably takes place when plants and mycorrhizal…
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Rio + 20 back to square one

Nature & environment
Twenty years of talking about sustainable development at top international conferences has…

Skimping on sheep

Nature & environment
Shepherds in the Netherlands fall between two stools. They are neither seen…
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Pieter Walstra, the man who founded dairy science

Nature & environment
In the past milk was either full fat or semi-skimmed, but these…
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‘It’s not salad days – it’s tomato days’

Nature & environment
Who? Rene Klein Lankhorst, researcher at Plant Research InternationalWhat? Unravelled the secret…

Ode to the planet

Nature & environment
An ode to the planet at the country's greenest university - some…

Students and money: all in the mind

Nature & environment
Are you a trendsetter? Someone who is easy-going with money, not afraid…

European Cup: Love or hate?

Nature & environment
Some have had the Dutch team's every match noted in their diaries…