Suit up for the exam – student life in Poland

Derek Pan
I had a wonderful time last week in Poland. Among countless impressions of the trip, the student life in Poland is the one that I…

Gas mains blossom into nectar highways

Derek Pan
The Dutch gas company Gasunie plans to turn some of its land…
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Ministry respects decision to unbundle VHL

Derek Pan
The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation is disappointed that efforts…

Pulse gets new council

Derek Pan
Pulse can go on. Having been through a turbulent period, this student…
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New registration rules in coming academic year

Derek Pan
From September, students in Wageningen will not be able to sign up…
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Food4You again in centre of Wageningen

Derek Pan
October will see Food4You being held again in the town centre of…

‘Painful decision can reverberate for a while’

Derek Pan
The executive board will make preparations for unbundling Van Hall Larenstein, Aalt…
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VHL directors want to remain in Wageningen UR

Derek Pan
The directors and management team of Van Hall Larenstein want to remain…
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VHL and Wageningen UR go separate ways

Derek Pan
Van Hall Larenstein and Wageningen UR will be unbundled. The executive board…

‘People started to get seasick when we sailed out of the harbour’

Derek Pan
Nils and Lars, two students of Coast and Sea Management at Van…