A playground for social enterprise

Student life
You don’t learn entrepreneurship from a book, but by doing it. That is the philosophy of Enactus, a global student platform for entrepreneurial action to…

Research easier to find with new portal

Student life
The new platform Research@WUR was launched a few days ago. The portal…

‘The meadow flowers must bloom again’ – David Kleijn argues for regional biodiversity projects

Student life
Ecologists, farmers, water boards and provincial governments should set up ‘living labs’…

CDA: ‘WUR project in Lebanon deserves to be copied’

Student life
WUR is supporting young entrepreneurs in Lebanon who are building up the…

Fishing the Dutch way

Student life
Last spring, a Dutch colleague of mine asked me to join him…

Carlos is a student and a CEO

Student life
As if doing a Master’s is not enough to keep you busy,…

Meanwhile in… Sri Lanka

Student life
Footage of fighting politicians in parliament in Sri Lanka went around the…

Do Tasmanian farmers want to irrigate?

Student life
Who? Mees Arkesteijn, MSc student of International Land and Water Management What?…

YOU on campus: ‘You are thrown back on your own resources’

Student life
Esther Westervelt (24) is sitting at the window in the Leeuwenborch with…

Eight pairs of trainers and litres of tea – The WUR programmer who walked the Silk Road

Student life
Taking Marco Polo as his example, programmer Bart-Jan van Rossum set off…