Split within VeSte

Student life
Two student council members have left the VeSte student party. The two separatists are the Chinese students Shaoyang Xu and Yingying Zhang. Surprisingly, the split…

Bye-bye basic grant

Student life
The centre left PvdA and the centre-right VVD, the parties forming the…

Plant gives offspring organic pesticide

Student life
The seeds of Pyrethrum, a daisy-like flower, get compounds from the parent…
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Student life in 1983

Student life
Are you curious to see what student life looked like in 1983?…

Coalition agreement: good news for nature, bad for students

Student life
After barely 50 days of talks, the VVD (centre right) and PvdA…

Wageningen ‘delivers’ another minister

Student life
Prospective minister of Finance Jeroen Dijsselbloem will mean another Wageningen-educated minister in…

Adventure race in Wageningen

Student life
More than one hundred tough guys and gals voluntarily spent 21 hours…

Looking, looking, not buying

Student life
Last Thursday I almost got punched in Bornsesteeg.

Students make tempeh with European crust

Student life
A brilliant and delicious meat substitute won a Wageningen team of seven…

Cabinet: Cisgenesis just as safe as traditional breeding

Student life
Cisgenesis should not be subjected to European legislation for genetically modified crops,…