‘A graduate has to be a superhero’ – Education professor thinks WUR education could be even better

Wageningen is the best university in the Netherlands for the 14th time in a row, according to the Universities Guide Keuzegids and the National Student…

No more people on assembly lines

Patric Brandt is looking forward to the time when robots take over…

News quiz 2018

The centenary has dominated WUR news for the past year. But a…

Waste affects attitudes to a brand

Did you throw out half a tub of potato salad or an…

Women feel full for longer after a drink

Women’s stomachs are full for longer than men’s after drinking beer or…

Cooking contest with leftovers

Cook something creative with leftovers. That is the task in the ‘Less…

Less unemployment among alumni

Unemployment among WUR alumni has fallen from 13 per cent in 2013…

Boosting biodiversity should be an earner

Land users who contribute to the recovery of biodiversity should be suitably…

Poll: The best thesis cover of 2018

It is a big anniversary for the competition for the best Wageningen…

Depreciated books turn into Christmas tree

Should a Christmas tree be a tree per se, with branches, garlands,…