Quaking in New Zealand

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Who? Dick van den Hoogen, fifth year MSc student of BiotechnologyWhat? Internship at Plant & Food Research, a research institute for agricultural crops.Where? Christchurch, New…

‘Genomes are becoming run-of-the-mill’

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Who? Martien Groenen, professor holding a personal chair in Animal Breeding &…
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One in ten workers experience antisocial behaviour

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Antisocial behaviour not dealt with adequately. Confidence in executive board down again.

Research into pig genome offers wealth of information

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Nature to be followed by dozens of other scientific articles. Comparison of…

‘No risks taken with derivatives’

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Wageningen rapped over the knuckles because of its financial dealings. Low interest…

Research in Congo on back burner

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Security situation hampers development research. 'Important to continue research.'
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‘Money important factor in degree choice’

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Open day for Bachelor's degree even more popular than last year. Key…

Accommodation crisis looms

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New rent regulations disastrous for Idealis. 'Wageningen disproportionately hard-hit.'
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Millions for quest for new bacteria

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Professor of Microbial Physiology Fons Stams received an ERC Advanced Grant worth…

Kito and money

The works
Money important factor in degree choice