Flirting on Facebook

Student life
The university library has always been a place for delving into the world of knowledge in deep concentration. But since the advent of Gespot:UB, a…

Self-service shopping

Student life
My first Dutch shopping experience was at a big V&D store. There…

Cor + Happiness4all

Student life
Cor Meurs , occupational social worker at Human Resources: 'Happiness is a…

A film for the lonely student

Student life
'Those who live in Bornsesteeg, get out of your room, arrange common…

Pesky seed

Student life
How do you increase food security for the hungry populations of developing…

VeSte acts on danger at crossing Bornsesteeg

Student life
It is risky crossing the road at the Bornsesteeg intersection. Every day,…
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Unfair fine for foreign student without insurance

Student life
Many foreign students are unfairly fined for not having a health insurance…

In the racks please

Student life
We mean no harm, of course. But sometimes we are in a…

Forum Morgana

Student life
Lunching students couldn't believe their eyes. Suddenly, to the tune of Arab…
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VeSte wants current FOS extended

Student life
Student council party VeSte has asked the university to postpone the review…