Stared at in Bangladesh

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Who? Maaike Visser (24), MSc student of Nutrition & Health What? Thesis research on a new rice varietyWhere? Parbatipur, Bangladesh
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Meanwhile in… Iran

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Record rainfall in March and April has flooded over 1,900 cities and…

Unitas has a home again

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After ten years of no fixed abode in Wageningen, youth club Unitas…

Smart sole fishing: researchers and fisheries develop selective fishing nets

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The common sole is a slippery customer. Like a true Houdini, it…

‘New timetable is affecting education’

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The Extended Daytime Schedule is affecting the content and possibly also the…
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‘The new timetable does the job’

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The extended daytime schedule (EDS) is affecting the quality of our education,…

Jean-Paul Vincken investigates why food turns brown

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How exactly does this process work? And can we use polyphenols as…

Pitta with oyster mushroom shawarma: soon available at campus restaurants

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Student Pleun van Iersel (21) won WUR’s vegetarian cooking competition, a spin-off…

Who says the future generation is selfish?

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Have you ever been part of a race where running feels like…

Louise Fresco’s secondary activity at Syngenta

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As of 12 April, Louise Fresco has been appointed as independent non-executive…