Student rooms cheap in Wageningen

Student life
The student rooms in Wageningen are a lot cheaper than rooms at other universities. This was found in a comparison of room prices by investigative…

Cage eggs more sustainable than free-range eggs

Student life
The most sustainable eggs in the Netherlands come from chickens in enriched…

Hoevestein elevator out of order

Student life
One of the two elevators in the student complex Hoevestein will probably…

More space for bikes and pedestrians

Student life
Bikes and pedestrians are given more space on campus. Yesterday a start…

Campus receives innovative fries machine

Student life
Yesterday an automatic fries machine was presented at Restaurant of the Future.…

Nature needs a more diverse supportbase

Student life
Ethnic origin is a factor in a person’s contact with nature. Nature…

Even more delay for Helix

Student life
The commissioning of Helix was postponed again; the air extraction system is…

Van der Vorst new director Social Sciences Group

Student life
Jack van der Vorst, Professor in Business administration, will become the new…

Lightning struck Marijkeweg

Student life
Last Sunday the students living in the student housing at Marijkeweg were…

Initiation of the amphitheatre

Student life
The first concert at the amphitheatre will be held on Thursday the…