No more room shortages in Wageningen

Student life
There will be no more room shortages in Wageningen for a while. Accommodation provider Idealis fears it may even have a slight surplus of student…

How do people make their area more sustainable?

Student life
Wageningen sociologists have bagged an 3.8 million euro EU project. They are…

Column: Premium sandals

Student life
There is fear of a rift. Staff of our DLO research institutes…

App shares titbits of dietary info

Student life
Hapsnapp is a new app which feeds its users interesting titbits of…

‘I get sentimental when I smell the gunpowder’

Student life
They drink Dutch juniper gin and occasionally fire semi-automatic weapons: the members…

Conflict between University and Student Council

Student life
The student council and the university cannot come to an agreement about…

Meanwhile in… Serbia

Student life
In the news: The great stream of refugees fleeing the war in…

Dutch design: the toilet

Student life
When we arrive in a new country and intend to study and…

Student fat

Student life
The story so far: Willem-Jan is busy getting his life in order.…

Elevator Hoevestein fixed

Student life
Both elevators of the student complex Hoevestein have been opened again. Tests…