The healing power of eco-mushrooms

Student life
Sander Remink and Tom Bewernick’s mushroom farm Mycocycling is an idealistic start-up. The young Wageningen alumni certainly hope to earn a living from it, but…

Tenure track is not helping women enough

Student life
Only a few women are getting to the higher echelons of academia.…

Wageningen Unilever & Research?

Student life
The multinational Unilever is establishing a large R&D lab with 550 employees…

Study on pay deficit for women

Student life
Women researchers at Dutch universities earn less than men, shows a recently…

Over to English the Twente way

Student life
Wageningen University & Research wants to start Bachelor’s programmes in English from…

‘There’s a plus side to less livestock’

Student life
Dutch dairy farmers face uncertain times. They produce too much manure and…

Wageningen is creating a resistant ash

Student life
Nearly all the ash trees along the provincial roads in Gelderland are…

‘I soon realized I wasn’t the favourite’

Student life
Who? Guido Camps, PhD researcher at Human nutrition What? Took part in…
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Communication sciences: New name approved

Student life
The Bachelor’s degree programme Communication sciences has been evaluated positively by the…

Education information system WISE scrapped

Student life
Wageningen University & Research is not going to introduce the new education…