Few foods diet has a significant impact on ADHD

Following a few foods diet strongly decreases ADHD symptoms in young children. Ingesting fish oil and avoiding colorants barely make a difference. These are the…

Students can put their own course together

The Master’s programme Earth and Environment will be experimenting with a new…

Case for radical change in agriculture sector

If we really want to address both the climate problem and the…

Blog: A complex word

There’s this word often thrown around in my lectures. It has many…

‘The food sector needs a drastic overhaul’

Researchers at Wageningen University & Research argue for a radical change in…

Students write booklet on organic food

Biologische stellingen onder de loep (‘A closer look at organic statements’) is…

Photos: Chinese New Year 2017

Traditional songs, dance, street dance, music and dumplings. Many, many dumplings. On…

WUR.nl now also available in Chinese

During the Chinese New Year’s celebration in Orion last Sunday, the Chinese…

Chinese New Year celebrated majestically in Wageningen

This Sunday, Chinese students from around the country will come to Orion…

Disappointing turnout during sustainable film screening

Wednesday night, about 30 people watched the film Premium Rush at Impulse.…