Atlas garden generates power

Plant-e, the WUR spin-off company, has placed a panel with information about the garden that can be lit using power from plants.

Blog: 1/3-life crisis

I stepped slowly, nervously towards the teacher’s desk. I handed him the…
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Free-range chicken tastier than indoor chicken

Broiler chickens that can scratch in the willow coppice next to the…
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Tomato of olden days not necessarily tastier

Last week, scientists stated in Science that in the past years, the…

‘Ministry blocking joint research’

The Ministry of Economic Affairs is blocking joint research in the arable…

‘Because of Trump, I will not be able to present my research’

Shokouh Rahsepar is a WUR PhD candidate from Iran. She was planning…

Plagiarism detecting software finds PhD theses

Scientific articles are being refused increasingly often due to the fact that…

Researchers test emotions while eating chocolate (video)

WUR researchers are interested in finding out which emotions people feel when…

Berendse new director of valorization

Sebastiaan Berendse is to be the new director of Valorization at Wageningen…
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‘A bit awkward, going to the sauna with a colleague’

Who? Eva van Schijndel, Master’s student of Strategic CommunicationWhat? Six month internship…