Chilean student band Saonda at Liberation festival

Student life
In spite of only being in existence for one year now, the Chilean WUR students of the band Saonda will take the stage for a…
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Part-time jobs in Holland for international student

Student life
Students and jobs on the side are often mentioned in the same…

Is there any point in a March for Science?

Student life
All around the world people will be taking to the streets on…
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Personal data under lock and key

Student life
Legal expert Frans Pingen has been data protection officer for WUR since…

WUR Talks for students

Student life
The Teacher of the Year 2017, Jessica Duncan, will use her 2500…

Extended timetable raises questions

Student life
The Student Council has many questions about the extended timetable proposed by…

Power from solar canopies

Student life
What would a city look like that gets all its electricity from…
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Teacher of the Year 2017 Jessica Duncan gets you on board

Student life
She is committed and friendly and her classes are dynamic and sometimes…
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Yield gap analyses for livestock too

Student life
French farmers with Charolais beef cattle only get 53 percent of the…
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Cyanide fishing is a way of life

Student life
Illegal cyanide fishing in Indonesia is doing a lot of damage to…