Blogging about brooding

The brooding season is around the corner, and that is a busy time for PhD student Bernice Sepers, who is doing research on great tits.…

Short-haul flights a thing of the past

Anyone needing to go to Hamburg or Lyon for work purposes should…
Artist impression of the new building Plus Ultra II

Plus Ultra II

The new Plus Ultra II building brings all aspects of entrepreneurship and…

Watching films in the Aula

The Aula will become a cinema cum cultural centre. WUR has gone…

Soldier flies for peace in Colombia

Former FARC fighters are being trained as insect breeders.

Soldier flies for peace in Colombia

Through the WUR study ‘Insects for Peace’, former FARC fighters are being…

University and Extinction Rebellion to enter discussions on 13 January

Environmental action group Extinction Rebellion (XR) and WUR will enter into dialogue…

Blog: The road less taken by

If you are a fan of our blogger Kaavy Raveendran, we have…

Campaigning for a law that allows CRISPR-Cas in plant breeding

Young researchers from Wageningen University & Research and Ghent University are fighting…

Tomato greenhouse gets digital twin

Researcher Jochem Evers from the Plant Sciences Group and his team have…