Missing wallet

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Recently, while cycling to my friend’s place for dinner on an ‘inter-period’ weekend, I lost my wallet. I must have put it in my pocket…

‘People in the UK can be arrogant’

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Who? Tianhe Wang (but you can call him Mark), Master’s student of…

YOU on campus (14)

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Wageningen has a lot of things to offer, but not for those…
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Meanwhile in… the UK

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Twenty two people, including a number of children, were killed in a…

Swapping clothes for sustainability

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The chance to pick up a new blouse or pair of trousers…
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‘They call me the insect girl’

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She has installed extra cupboards in her student room as storage for…

Another 1400 rooms needed

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Because of the continuing growth of the university, Wageningen needs another 1400…

Sun, water and beats

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Wageningen students who like festivals and techno usually have to go to…

Throwaway pianos

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The residents of Ceres house Heerenstraat 6 maintain an unusual tradition. When…

GVC football club wants to join Thymos

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A Wageningen town football club wants to become one of the student…