Antelopes outside your tent

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Student life
Who? Julia Schäfer, MSc student of Forest and Nature Conservation in Wageningen and Christine Lijcklama á Nijeholt, MSc student of Ecology and Evolution in GroningenWhat?…

YOU on campus – AID experiences

The works
Student life
Imke Reith (21) has experienced the AID in three different ways: first…

Meanwhile in… Spain

The works
Student life
Barcelona is still mourning the 16 people killed on 17 August, when…

Wageningen iGEM team off to Boston

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Student life
The chance of a field test sometime soon for tropical diseases has…

Nine refugees to take courses

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Student life
Nine refugees will embark on a free course at WUR in September.…

Learning from the fibronil crisis

The works
Student life
It became known at the end of July that a banned substance…

Better farmers thanks to tablets

The works
Student life
The farmer field school is a tried and trusted concept. In their…

‘Do it properly or don’t do it at all’

The works
Student life
Wageningen PhD candidates are required to submit a separate sheet with their…

Cold mouse offers insight into overweight

The works
Student life
The way mice keep warm during long cold spells is more complex…

‘Hepatitis E-free meat is a pipe dream’

The works
Student life
There was consternation mid-August because Dutch sausages and ham were said to…