Tips for a greener student lifestyle

Student life
Author and columnist Roos van Rijswijk reveals the secrets of a more sustainable student lifestyle in her newly published book Nog groener! (Even greener!) From…
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Symbolic campaign

Student life
The new Dutch government has just climbed into the saddle. One of…

The perfect enemy

Student life
The weed killer Roundup is under fire. On social media, criticism is…

An interval at the movies

Student life
It was my first time at a cinema in the Netherlands. I…

‘They use leaf blowers to clean the nature areas’

Student life
Who? Stijn Beernink, Earth and Environment MSc studentWhat? Research for thesis on…

YOU on campus – Morocco, Belgium and Wageningen

Student life
Simon de Grève (26) recently started on a Master’s programme for the…

Meanwhile in… Bangladesh

Student life
Since August this year, more than a million Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar…

Students investigate potential of poop pots

Student life
Disposing of manure costs pig farmers money. So one farmer had the…

‘Policymakers don’t listen to young people’

Student life
He was the first young person to speak at a UN conference…

Off to the trial field in a Trabant

Student life
If you have cycled through the fields north of the campus you…