Every animal in the same position

The works
Student life
Who? Matthijs Hollanders, Master’s student of Biology What? Internship at Tropical Herping Where? Quito, Ecuador

YOU on campus – Meaning of life and religious beliefs

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Student life
You might have been approached in the Forum by Master’s student of…

Christmas away from home

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Student life
Christmas is almost here: the time that most people will celebrate with…

Creative with data: What do you do if other people distort your results?

The works
Student life
Lobbying organizations, institutes, government bodies and companies have all been known to…

Tenure track: is more flexibility a good idea?

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Student life
The executive board wants to relax the tenure track system a bit…

Tenure track: is more flexibility a good idea?

The works
Student life
The executive board wants to relax the tenure track system a bit…

‘I was the scientist but I could not help’

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Student life
No, he did not do a farm internship himself. But he would…

‘Eating game is good for the forests’

The works
Student life
Christmas is the season for feasting on a haunch of venison, a…

18,000 solar panels on Haarweg

The works
Student life
A solar park with 18,000 solar panels may be built next to…
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Marine snow worsens impact of oil spill

The works
Student life
When the oil spilled during the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico…