Christmas far from home: It’s over 25 degrees here on Bonaire

Student life
Christmas is the time that most people will celebrate with their families. However, it is not possible for everyone to be home for Christmas. Some…

2018 will be my year because… I will retire

Student life
The time around the new year is a moment in which many…

2017 was my year because…

Student life
As the year comes to a close, now is a great time…

WUR students can now earn credits abroad over the web

Student life
From now on, Wageningen students can earn credits by following online courses…

Six WUR teams receive funding for designing the ultimate green house

Student life
Six eager and slightly anxious student teams gathered at Impulse on 14…

WUR student awarded prize for research into insect discolouration

Student life
Master’s student Food technology Greta Canelli was awarded the Unilever Research Prize…

Meanwhile in… Ireland

Student life
The negotiations between the EU and the UK about Brexit reached a…

Poll: most beautiful PhD thesis of 2017

Student life
The last PhD theses of the year have yet to be defended,…

Who is the true father of WUR?

Student life
The Salverdaplein was given the name for a reason. It is how…

Five questions about tenure track 2.0

Student life
The Executive Board wants to make the tenure track system more flexible…