Renovation Asserpark to start in August

Remodelling to make the building more sustainable and cosier.
Idealis director Bart van As (left) in front of Asserpark. Photo Idealis

The small kitchens will be remodelled into larger kitchen-dining rooms where housemates can meet. The building will also be made more sustainable to cut energy usage.

Preparations for the renovation will commence in May. All the residents must leave the building by 31 July, so that the renovation can begin in August. Idealis will organise alternative housing for the residents. They will be able to move back to Asserpark after the renovation. Tenants whose lease ends on or before 31 July must find their own alternative housing.

Flat pub Annie’s was permanently closed in December 2023 in preparation for the renovation. In the past, there were five student star-shaped apartment buildings, each with their own pub. Only the Hoevenstein’s Woeste Hoeve and De Bunker in Dijkgraaf remain. Whether these pubs will survive future renovations is unclear. ‘When we approach these renovations, we will decide on this issue’, Van As stated previously.

Asserpark’s renovation was planned to start at the beginning of 2024, and the original plan was to have tenants continue to live in the flat during the renovation. This plan was deemed unviable, as the impact of a lengthy renovation on the tenants would be too great. So, the plan was changed to renovate an empty building, which required more extensive preparation.

The renovation is expected to take a year.

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