The first walk alarm will be during Vitality Week. That week, which was thought up by the HR coach and consultant Cor Meurs, takes place from 27 June to 4 July. During that week, there will be activities in Impulse or outdoors every day. The aim is to focus attention on people’s own physical and mental fitness and vitality.
‘We are the university of health,’ explains Hermien Miltenburg of Communication Services. ‘We make sure that plants, animals and people stay healthy. But that care extends to our own employees too.’ Miltenburg is putting together the walking routes that will be published on the intranet on the first Monday of each month. They are short routes taking between half an hour and 45 minutes.
According to Miltenburg, there are a lot of nice spots on and around campus that far too few people know about. She cites the Idealis Droevendaal complex (‘did you know there are even kingfishers in the pools between the houses?’), the woodland along the Dijkgraaf, the nature garden behind Lumen and the little Blauwe Bergen park between the Bornsesteeg and Dijkgraaf blocks of flats. The first walking route will be handed out to people taking a break on the benches outside Forum on Monday 4 July. The series will continue on Monday 1 August.
Did you know there are even kingfishers in the pools between the houses?
Hermien Miltenburg
Vitality Week kicks off with a tai chi lesson by sports coach Jan ter Haar on the lawn between Forum and Orion. On Tuesday and Thursday there will be talks in Impulse by sports instructor Ingi Alofs (‘Happiness is in your brain’) and coach/entertainer Cor Meurs (‘Vital at work’). On Thursday, Meijke van Herwijnen will give a theatrical lecture in Impulse (‘Everything under control’).
Herwijnen is a lifestyle coach and has written seven books about health and lifestyle. She has been giving courses and workshops for 20 years. In her theatrical lectures, the nutritionist combines lecturing with songs.