The Side Job: Wisse carries coffins

‘This job doesn’t make me more preoccupied with death.’
Foto: Guy Ackermans

Who: Wisse Zwanenburg
What: pallbearer at funerals
Why: to do something for the mourners
Hourly wage: €12.50 to €14 per hour

You’ve got to make ends meet somehow. We can all borrow from Uncle Duo, but there are also students who earn money in unusual ways. In this series, we put some interesting side jobs in the spotlight. Wisse Zwanenburg (23), a Master’s student of both Management, Economics and Consumer Studies and Animal Sciences, works as a pallbearer at funerals.

‘I often have to explain what my side job entails. It raises questions. We carry the coffins at funerals, in a team of four to six people. The coffin rests on our shoulder. We carry the coffin to the grave as carefully and respectfully as we can. Keeping in step with each other, we walk to the prepared grave and lower the coffin into it. We are dressed stylishly, and we sometimes wear hats. My employer’s name, Ferentes, is Latin for ‘those who carry’. While we are carrying the coffin, we are very focused. You only get one chance to do something like this right.’

‘Maybe it sounds a bit intense to work at funerals. When I heard about this job, I also thought: doesn’t it feel really weird to do that? It turned out that wasn’t the case. While we are carrying the coffin, we are just very focused on our task. Sometimes you hear someone crying, but emotionally I keep a professional distance. Contrary to what people sometimes think, this job doesn’t make me more preoccupied with death in my daily life. What’s more, there is even time to relax and socialize with your colleagues. During a funeral, we work in several short bursts. In between those moments, we are waiting and we’re not near the relatives. Those are breaks for us, just like in any other job.

This job doesn’t make me more preoccupied with death in my daily life

Our employer also organizes get-togethers to keep the atmosphere good. You don’t get a specific type of student coming to work here; it is a diverse group. I worked in a beach bar this summer. I didn’t feel as appreciated there as I do in this job. What I like best about it is that I can do something for the mourners.’

Are you or do you know someone with an unusual side job or summer job? Send an e-mail to

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