Typical Dutch

Pulse gets new council

Pulse can go on. Having been through a turbulent period, this student union has finally succeeded in recruiting four new council members.

Earlier on, Pulse was unable to drum up enough enthusiasm for the required number of people to join its student council. It was also pretty unsettling for the ‘union side’ right up to the eleventh hour, adds Romy Appelman, the current Pulse president. ‘A council of four was the minimum, in terms of the manpower needed. We also didn’t want to have part-timers only.’ The president will be Chris Verweij, a student of Molecular Life Sciences. He will work full-time for Pulse. Verweij is known in Wageningen as an active Socialist Party member. He was also the youngest to sail on the Freedom Flotilla II, a Dutch-Italian boat which brought aid supplies to Gaza. The other council members will work part-time for Pulse. They are Jurre Zwart, Boudewijn Pieters and the Chinese Dao Hong Yang. The four of them ‘inherit a union which does not work as well as it should,’ says Romy. ‘But these boys are the right ones to get things back in order.’

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