
‘Not much innovation at the Floriade’

What: FloriadeWhere: VenloWhen: From 5 April to 7 October 2012Tip from: Marianne Tibboel, student of Plant Sciences

For a plant scientist, there is no escape from the Floriade, the world horticulture exhibition held in the Netherlands every ten years. So I went along with the excursion organized by the study association Semper Florens. I wanted to get to know some of the major horticultural companies from the Netherlands and abroad, but most of all I just wanted a chance to gawk at all the beautiful plants and flowers. Unfortunately there are not as many flowers and plants in the spring as in the summer, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing on show. I was struck by the fact that more attention had been paid to buildings and national products than to plants, especially at the ‘World Show Stage’ where various countries were supposed to be displaying the unique flowers and plants that grow there. It was more like a big bazaar. Luckily, thanks to the tropical greenhouse and Villa Flora, there are still plenty of plants to be seen, even in the spring. Naturally, at a world horticultural exhibition you expect to see a lot of innovations. And there are a few in the ‘House of Taste’ but beyond that it’s a bit disappointing. Many parts of the exhibition still seem unfinished, at least in part. But still, altogether there is enough to see and experience at the Floriade. Make sure you go in the summer, when more of the outdoor plants will be in bloom!’

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