
Video: Chinese music makes SweetPotato feel at home

The Chinese quintet SweetPotato from Wageningen will soon exist two years. Saturday the 14th of November they will perform in Wageningen.
Koen Guiking

The band plays traditional Chinese music on authentic Chinese instruments such as the Guzheng and Erhu. The Chinese music not only makes them feel at home, but also allows the Dutch to become familiar with the Chinese culture.

SweetPotato was created during a meal where sweet potatoes were served. Which instruments do they play and what are the songs about? The band members explain in their reportage.

Saturday afternoon on the 14th of November SweetPotato will perform in the music hall of Pieter Pauw (Costerweg 75). A translation of all the song texts are given beforehand. The concert will start at 16.00 o’clock, doors will open at 15.30 o’clock. Entry costs: € 8.00- ; students € 6.00,- (incl. drink).

You can make a reservation via; you can also buy tickets at the door.

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