The energy supplement of 800 euros is to help low-income citizens pay the increasing energy bills. Until recently, students were excluded from this provision. But a court case in which the judge ruled in favour of a student in Nijmegen changed the situation, says the LSVb. They demand that students no longer be excluded from this financial provision.
A majority in the House of Representatives voted in favour of the cabinet’s advice to bar students from receiving energy compensation. The judge, however, disagrees. According to the ruling, the municipality erroneously distinguishes between students and non-students, while students may find themselves in exactly the same situation with regard to income and energy expenses as non-students.
Based on this ruling, the unions LSVb, FNV and FNV Young & United call on all students to apply for the energy supplement within their municipality. And, if their application is rejected, they should appeal, say the unions. The unions hope the cabinet will alter its policy. ‘If this is not solved, we will call on all students in all cities to protest.’
The Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) stands by its position that the energy supplement should be disbursed by central organisations such as the Tax Authorities or DUO. The VNG stated earlier that a municipal energy supplement for students is ‘completely unworkable’. The VNG is currently discussing the repercussions of the court ruling with the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Not all municipalities feel the energy supplement for students is unfeasible. Zwolle and Delf have no issues, and ’s-Hertogenbosch also disburse the supplement to students. PvdA, GroenLinks and D66 have submitted questions to the House of Representatives on the matter.