The Executive Board is working on a new strategic accommodation plan that will go to the WUR Council in June, says Board member Rens Buchwaldt.
The plan will set out how much office space and other working space the Board wants to create on campus. Part of this post-Covid accommodation plan is a Working Environment Concept that the Board already sent to the Council this month. The concept describes elements for setting up office space on campus if staff are going to be working from home more (see page 12). This concept will help departments develop a plan for an optimum set-up that lets employees share the working area on campus. The Board wants to have additional training and tools in place for these accommodation plans by the start of the new academic year.
The directors will decide what is needed for their divisions and draw up proposals for the layout and required investments
Board member Rens Buchwaldt
The Working Environment Concept provides for the possible refurbishment of the office units on campus. ‘The various directors will decide what is needed for their divisions and draw up proposals for the layout and required investments,’ explains Buchwaldt. ‘The strategic accommodation plan sets the parameters for this.’ The process will take several years. There will probably also be a budget for facilitating staff working at home. That budget will be determined in the national collective labour agreement negotiations. AS
Here you find a long read on the plans for remote working and the Working Environment Concept.