Police receive tips after camera footage of assault on PhD student is shown

The video footage was shown in the TV programme Plaats Delict (crime scene).
Een screenshot van de uitzending

The images of the assault on a Chinese PhD student, who was pelted with stones, beaten and kicked at the beginning of April, were shared. After the images were shared, the police received several tips. ‘We are currently following up on that information’, says a police spokesperson.

The violence caused fear and outrage among the international community, some members of which said they no longer felt safe in Wageningen. In a letter addressed to the university and the municipality, they stated that intimidation at the hands of ‘local youths’ is a recurring issue. The incidents include students being pelted with eggs or stones, name-calling and other forms of aggressive and undesired behaviour.

A meeting on physical safety was recently organised to address these sentiments of fear and lack of knowledge about the Dutch police system. The police were present to answer questions from students and employees.

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